Born in world famous Humboldt County, CA
(the home of the first high potency CBD hemp strains)
Humboldt CBD was one of the very first CBD brands in the world.
We got our start working with the original breeders of the first
high CBD / low THC strains of feminized hemp -
BEFORE CBD was a buzz-word across the nation.
Through a process known as "selective breeding" horticulturists were able to
breed the THC out of our prized hemp flower.
We only use organic hemp flower to make our extracts
as only the flower of this plant contains over
480 unique compounds and terpenes that synergize together
to create what is known as "the entourage effect"
This is why Humboldt CBD is known across the industry as not only
one of the first CBD brands in existence, but also for offering the highest quality extracts.
There is a reason Humboldt County, CA is known across the world
as the international hot spot for premium organic hemp flower.